About the SCI Product Certification scheme
SCI operates a certification system which covers product certification (the product which leaves the manufacturer) and the design of complete buildings which utilise those products. These complementary schemes provide reassurance to specifiers, end clients and other interested parties that the certified building products meet specified requirements and that the building design follows appropriate procedures. SCI’s scheme for modular units is recognised as partially satisfying the technical requirements of the NHBC Accepts assessment for prefabricated building units. Discussion with other warranty providers and for other product types is on-going.
A comprehensive certificate details the performance characteristics of the product, so that similar products can be readily compared and verified for their intended end use.
SCI certification schemes are:
- Developed by the experts, in collaboration with manufacturers, clients and regulators;
- Recognised by warranty providers;
- Comprehensive, requiring robust evidence that products meet specified product requirements.
Product certification
SCI have developed certification schemes for a number of steel-based products used in construction. For each scheme, the product requirements are defined in a Technical Scheme Document, prepared with input from manufacturers, designers, warranty providers and clients. SCI’s product certification schemes follow the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
UKAS accreditation SCI operate two schemes accredited by UKAS. |
In addition, SCI have a fully detailed scheme (not accredited by UKAS) for the design of buildings. This scheme covers the assessment of the entire design process from design loads to completed structure, as set out in the Building Regulations. The combination of product certification and building design assessment provides comprehensive coverage of every aspect of a complete structure.
The SCI system currently covers: